The Department participates in Research Centers, Institutes and Areas of Focus whose goals are to stimulate collaborative, interdisciplinary basic and applied research at Georgia State University and to accelerate the application of knowledge and technology gained from basic science. All of the centers span departments and institutions.
Center for Behavioral Neuroscience (CBN)
The CBN is a consortium of more than 60 researchers at eight Atlanta institutions examining the neural mechanisms underlying complex social behaviors. The social behaviors that are essential for species survival, such as fear, affiliation, aggression, and reproductive behaviors, are the next frontier for neuroscience. The research efforts are complemented by an educational program designed to integrate scientific progress into the curricula of students at all levels.
Center for Diagnostics and Therapeutics
The Center’s research goals include developing highly sought-after biomarker-guided therapies and imaging agents, and facilitating the translation of our research discoveries into clinically useful diagnostic/therapeutic tools and agents.
Center for Obesity Reversal
The Center for Obesity Reversal at Georgia State University has been established to foster research projects that will help fight and reverse the growing obesity epidemic in the United States and around the world.
Language Research Center (LRC)
The LRC is a world renowned primate research facility in Atlanta, Georgia associated with Georgia State University. The LRC specializes in language research with an emphasis on work with bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).
Center for Neuromics
The Center for Neuromics (CfN) promotes the study of the nervous system using informatics and computational approaches.
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Center for Inflammation, Immunity and Infection
The Center for Inflammation, Immunity and Infection was established in 2011 to understand the molecular basis of if inflammatory diseases and further develop novel, therapeutic strategies. The center comprises some 12 faculty members from the Departments of Biology and Chemistry under the direction of Dr. Jian-Dong Li.
Neuroscience Institute
The institute comprises neuroscience faculty in all departments across the College of Arts and Sciences.
Contact Us
Main Office
404-413-5300 (Atlanta)
[email protected] (Atlanta)
Perimeter campus
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Office/Delivery Address
100 Piedmont Avenue SE, 4th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4010
Atlanta, GA 30303